Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blog 22- Independent Component #2

(a) Include this statement: “I, student name, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents ___ hours of work.”

  • I, Alondra Gutierrez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 45 hours of work
(b) Cite your source regarding who or what article or book helped you complete the independent component.

  • The 2 main sources that helped me with completing my independent component 2 was Elizabeth Davidson and Jennifer Ochoa 
(d) Explain what you completed.

  • During spring break, I went to mentorship from Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm which is the time that my mentor, Elizabeth Davidson goes into work and the time she gets out. But I only worked with my mentor one day out of the whole week and we did a lot of patient paper work and logging in stuff into the computer. The rest of the days that I wasnt with my mentor, I was with my other great source, Jennifer Ochoa. We worked with the patients a week and had to do alot of medication giving and rounds and all that good stuff.
(e) Defend your work and explain the component's significance and how it demonstrates 30 hours of work.   Provide evidence (photos, transcript, art work, videos, etc) of the 30 hours of work.   

  • I am not allowed to take pictures or videos because its against the hospital regulations. I asked before and they said I couldn't because it can make people feel uncomfortable. 
(f)How did the component help you answer your EQ? Please include specific examples to illustrate how it helped. 

  • The component helped me a lot because I was able to actually live one of my answers for my EQ which is being supportive to the patients. During this time, I was there giving my full support to any patient and it makes them feel 1000x better.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blog 20- Interview 4 Preparation

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  What is this person's area of expertise?

  • I plan to interview a nurse named Jennifer Ochoa. She is a registered nurse at City of Hope

2.  Post 20 open-ended questions you want to ask an expert in the field concerning your senior project. Your focus should be finding answers to your EQ.

  1. How do you help a patient throughout their time at the hospital?
  2. How difficult is it for them to cope with what they're suffering from?
  3. How bad does the family take it?
  4. Has there ever been a case where a patient rejects any type of treatment for cancer?
  5. Whats the best way to help a patient through their treatment process?
  6. What are the many different ways a nurse helps a patient depending on the type of cancer they have?
  7. What has been your biggest accomplishment as a nurse?
  8. What has been your toughest experience?
  9.  What are the most common treatments for cancer?
  10. What are the side effects of the treatments?
  11. Does chemotherapy cause different effects on different people?
  12. How do you deal with the side effects that patients get?
  13. Has treatment ever gone bad on any patient?
  14. Can you explain why some patients get chemo and some just get medication?
  15. How bad have patients gotten because of the treatments given to them?
  16. On a scale of 1-10, how difficult is it for you as a nurse to deal with their side effects?
  17. Has there ever been a case where family members get extremely upset with you as a nurse?
  18. If so, what has the family done that has affected you?
  19. Do you love what you do?
  20. Do you think you would be able to handle doing chemo?