1. What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?
- Labor and Delivery was helpful for me because it talked about what should be done before, during and after labor and delivering a baby. I think this helped me a lot because it can sort of relate to my topic which made me learn a lot about it.
- Midwifery was another helpful topic because I learned so much about what is required to be able to give birth at the right time and also what a nurse/doctor should do when a women is about to give birth.
- Pediatrics was another great presentation that I learned a lot from. This helped me because I learned that autism can be diagnosed from ages 2-3 so being a pediatric nurse that works with kids, I would need to learn and know all about those types of things.
2. List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?
- The seniors that I interviewed explained and helped me get prepared very well. They explained to me first exactly what the senior project consists of (research checks every Friday) etc. They also explained to me about mentor-ship and how its best if i start looking now. They gave me tips and advice on how to get started and not stress out. They were very honest when i would ask a question like "Is it hard?" they would give me their honest answer and say "yes." I think that was very nice and considerate of them because i wouldn't have wanted them to lie saying it was easy and then for it to be hard for me in the end and ill be upset.
3. What topic(s) are you considering, and why?
- Pediatric Nursing is one i will be considering because i love working with children. I just love little kids, from newborns until teens. I thought that pediatric nursing would be a good fit for me because they work with kids as early as newborns and as old as 17 year old's.
- Midwifery is another topic i was considering because like I've said i love working with kids and if i were to be there to help and deliver them, it would be such a great feeling knowing that i was the one who helped the women out in delivering such a beautiful baby. Plus the senior that presented midwifery explained it and did such a great job in explaining her topic. She knew so much about it that it amazed me, she made me want to know/learn so much more and experience it myself.
4. What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).
- What do you think is the best way to be prepared to attend a child that is scared of the doctor?
5. What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?
- I was planning on going to Queen of the Valley Hospital or any other hospital near me and asking to see if i can volunteer there because i went to Kaiser and i had to have volunteered before so that i can actually mentor with a nurse there.